ArvanCloud utilizes and frequently updates cloud security measurements to keep your online content safe from possible threats and attacks such as hacking attempts or DDoS attacks.
ArvanCloud Security Service covers various security areas, including recognition and prevention of DDoS attacks, web Firewall, and Rate Limit features.
A large number of legitimate DNS requests are sent to target your DNS server resources. Server resources cannot respond to requests from ordinary users.
It is one of the most dangerous attacks where it uses the victim’s IP to distribute fake packets to other servers and computers. Then, all that received the packets send their responses to the victim’s address. Since the victim’s system processes the received information, the Bandwidth and other resources are wasted away.
The most complicated of all is the layer 7 DDoS attacks. More than 100,000 corrupted systems send high volumes of legitimate fake requests to cause server resource depletion so that it goes out of service. The system can include home computers, different servers, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, CCTVs, and incorrectly configured internet routers.
ArvanCloud employs the progressive anycast and GSLB structures to prevent DNS attacks of TCP, UDP, and ICMP in 3 and 4 layers and the advanced layer 7 attacks.
ArvanCloud Web Application Firewall is in charge of recognizing and preventing different advanced attacks. The protection against the most common attacks is carried out without requiring technical knowledge or complex configurations.
Analyzing and monitoring requests before activating the WAF
Managing rules or changing general system sensitivity
Effectively preventing SQL Injection Attacks and getting around WAF
Preventing common LFI, RFI, etc. attacks
Preventing script code (XSS) injections
Preventing scanners, malicious bots, and web crawlers
Blocking requests that are not standard